How Wrong Room Temperature Affect different kinds of Fridges?

Fridges – both commercial and domestic are delicate devices at the end of the day. When handled in a rough manner or in a wrong way, they end up being a perpetual source of concern for the owners. There are many ways in which their efficacy is put to the test, sometimes out of sheer negligence, and at times due to lack of knowledge. Either way, these wrong steps put these machines in tight spots and result in an unnecessary expenditure of the owners. This chapter discusses in a concise form, the effect of room temperature in commercial and domestic fridges. What happens when the room temperature increases? When these devices are placed in rooms wherein the temperature hovers around 30 degrees or so, they start struggling. This mainly happens as and when they are unable to give off that heat from their condensers. Ideally, the temperature of the ambient air around the condenser ideally needs to be at least 10 degrees lesser than the condenser itself. Th...