Know Why Do The Temperature Of Fridge Doesn’t Decrease As Expected

The humming sound of your refrigerator when the weather is fine may start stressing you out with the rise in temperature inside. It’s all because of how hard a refrigerator has to work its job in improper weather. Moreover, certain factors work simultaneously- holding the fridge door open for long or placing a thermostat at a wrong place may influence how your fridge performs. You probably know that maintaining a fridge temperature between 35 and 38 degree Farenhite and freezer at 0 is the ideal temperature that keeps away the risk of spoiling food. Here are a few things that may need fixing when your freezer gets warm. The cold control unit: It is a temperature controlled switch that supplies power to the compressor and fan circuits in the refrigerator. If the compressor and fans are operating normally but not running enough to maintain the correct temperature, then it indicates a defect in the cold control unit. Experts for fridge repairs in Camperdown verify the capilla...