DIY Fridge Repair Tips to Follow to Repair a Faulty Fridge Door Gasket
At times the refrigerator door will simply refuse to close. Have you ever wondered why? The refrigerator door comprises a gasket that is responsible for forcing the door to stay sealed after you have closed it. A faulty gasket can however appear problematic as it will disallow the door to get closed even after repeated efforts. Furthermore, you can hold the gasket responsible for allowing cold air to escape from the system. Meanwhile, you can blame the hinges which are at times equally responsible for such inconvenience. Problems like these are best solved by fridge repairs experts in Liverpool . However, if you insist on laying your hands on the job we have a few tips for you. Have a look: Verify the gasket Have a look at the gasket. Do you think it needs a replacement? Take a piece of paper and place it will the gasket and the door jamb. If you find the paper comes off easily, chances are you have a faulty gasket that can no longer offer res...