How Power Surges Can Lead to Need for Frequent Fridge Repairs?

As and when an electrical power surge takes place in a household, it affects electronic devices in a very bad way. Your refrigerator is no exception. Well, modern refrigerators from reputed brands come with in-build safety devices, which protect them in the event of these power surges. Still, an abrupt and steep surge of the power can still cause substantial damage to the fridge, prompting you to opt for a company offering fridge repairs in Greenacre or elsewhere near Sydney, depending on your location. What Causes These Power Surges? They are at times caused by momentary technical glitches in the local power grid, or some instability in the main power supply of the households. Also, acts of nature have everything to do with these power surges, like when lightning strikes that can lead to substantial power surge if the earthing mechanism of a household is defective. In some cases, the fridge itself can be the source behind a power surge, due to its high demand for power. For inst...