Is It Okay to Keep Steamy Hot Food in Your Refrigerator?

It is one of the questions that often pop up in the minds of users who have refrigerators in their house. And, it is one of the common problems people often face where they keep hot food inside the fridge only to find the food is rotten on the very next day.

Now, put your focus on the following. This blog is going to bust your misconception a bit and let you have a clear idea about what really can happen if you keep hot food inside your fridge.

The Debate

It is often said that by keeping steamy hot food inside the refrigerator, you are pushing your fridge compressor to work even more and evidently, it's life cycle will go down. That's why you will find people insisting on allowing the food to cool down a bit before putting it inside the fridge. However, there is a section of people who have experienced the fact that it is entirely okay to put your stuff in the refrigerator coming straight from the oven.

What Does the Expert Say about It?

The reliable fridge repairs technicians in Bondi suggest following a particular guideline before you keep the leftovers inside the fridge.

The food in between the temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 140 degrees Fahrenheit is prone to influence bacterial growth. Even, the bacteria will eventually start growing within 20 minutes.

So, according to them, it is safe to keep food inside the fridge that more than 140 degrees F and cooler than 40 degrees F. It proves that if you keep the food to cool down outside for long hours, it can go below 140 degrees F and that's where the problem might occur.

Essential Tips for Keeping Hot Food inside the Fridge

  • Keep the food in small containers even if it is in large quantity if you want to make it cool down below 40 degrees F within the minimum possible time.
  • If you are about to keep steaming food inside the fridge, it is better to give it an ice bath to make sure that it cools down even faster.
  • Don't fill your fridge too much when you are keeping the steamy hot food as the air will not be able to circulate properly, and the food will not cool down efficiently.
  • If you are putting leftover inside the refrigerator, don't forget to reheat it before doing so. You can use a thermometer to check whether it has crossed 140 degrees F or not.


One last piece of advice for you here from the specialists when you search for refrigerator repair near me in Ryde. If you are keeping hot liquid, cover it with a lid to prevent the moisture from damaging your condenser. If you face that your refrigerator is failing to keep the hot food fresh on the next day even after following all the mentioned guidelines, don’t delay to get it checked by a fridge repairing expert.


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